The Post Stampede Rodeo is proud to announce a new event during the 3 Day rodeo!
It’s called the “Grip for Grant”. An opportunity for 4-H and FFA incoming juniors to seniors to compete in a calf scramble for their chapter or club.
“The Post Stampede is more than just a rodeo and concert in August” explains Jon Wheeler, the Post Stampede President.
“We put on this event so that we can assist kids and groups in and around Garza County. When we put our heads together to come up with a way to give back, the traditional calf scramble came to mind”
The way the Grip for Grant works is simple. Three 2-person Teams will try their hardest to halter a calf and lead the calf into a circle drawn in the arena dirt. The team that get’s to the circle first will be declared the winner. Simple, right? Well, if you ever been to the Houston Rodeo or San Antonio Rodeo, you know it may get a little wild.
If you are a 4-H or FFA member, and an incoming junior to senior, contact your advisor or ag teacher and enter up.
The full rules and entry details can be found below.