Scholarship Eligibility

Eligibility requirements:

All applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria before applying for any scholarship:

1:  Must be a citizen of the United States. If the applicant’s transcript reflects a place of birth other than the United States, appropriate proof of citizenship must be furnished (i.e., a copy of the photo page of a valid U. S. Passport, a copy of Naturalization Certificate or a birth certificate for U. S. Citizen born abroad). Applications submitted without proof of citizenship will not be considered. Students with permanent resident status are not eligible to apply.

2:   Must reside inside the following Texas Counties:

      • Borden County, Texas
      • Crosby County, Texas
      • Garza County, Texas
      • Kent County, Texas
      • Lubbock County, Texas
      • Lynn County, Texas
      • Scurry County, Texas

3:   Must be enrolled as a high school senior in the spring semester of the application year.

4:   Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the conclusion of the spring semester of the application year on their report card or transcript.

Application Requirements:

The following documents must be completed and submitted to the Post Stampede Scholarship Committee to be considered for any scholarship.

1:   Completed Application Form 
2:   Transcript
      • An Official Transcript that includes all academic semester information including final Spring grade information.
3:  Minimum of 1 (one) letter of recommendation
      • The letter of recommendation can not be written from a member of the applicant’s family or from a person currently seated on the board of the Post Stampede.
4:  Career Goal Essay
      • Applicant must write a 250 to 500 word essay to explaining what the applicant wants to do in their life.
5:  Quote Essay
      • Applicant must write a 250 to 500 word essay responding to the following quote:

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is YOU who will get you where you want to go-one one else”

6:  Resume
      • Applicant must create a resume that includes, but not limited to high school honors, awards, and activities.
7:  Acceptance Letter
      • Applicant should provide a copy of any acceptance letter they have received from a college or university.
8:  A completed Volunteer Service Hours Form

Volunteer Service Hours:

Applicants wishing to apply for any Post Stampede Scholarship must participate, record and report to the Post Stampede Board of Directors their number of volunteer hours at the Post Stampede Rodeo or Post Stampede sponsored event.

      • Each applicant is required to volunteer a minimum of 9 (nine) total hours during the yearly Post Stampede Rodeo.
      • All service hours during the Post Stampede Rodeo must be approved by the Post Stampede Board of Directors.
      • Volunteer Hours available during the Post Stampede Rodeo are, but not limited to:
          • Feed Crew
          • Arena Maintenance Crew
          • Stock Sorters, Calf Untie Help, Stripping Chute Help
          • Front Gate/Ticket Help
          • Flag Carriers
      • Each Applicant must submit their proposed hours, schedule and position before the beginning of the event.
      • The applicant’s position and hours must be approved by The Post Stampede Board before volunteer hours may commence.

The Volunteer Service hours form can be found HERE

Scholarship Application Deadline:

The deadline for any scholarship application will April 15th of Each Year.

Scholarship Payment:

Payment of funds

      • Scholarship will be paid to the applicant’s high school guidance counselor, in the Spring semester of their first year in college.

Submitting Application to the Post Stampede

  1. Acquiring an Application Form
      • Download a Post Stampede Application form from the Post Stampede website at
  2. Submitting a digital copy online.
      • Applicants may make a digital copy of the required documentation and upload it the Post Stampede Website
  3. Submitting a hard copy via postage.
      • Applicants may submit a hard copy of all required documentation to the Post Stamped Scholarship Committee by postage to:

Post Stampede Scholarship

P.O. Box 41

Post, Texas 79356

To download a hard copy of these requirements, click HERE.


Confirm your eligibility and learn about our requirements.


Required forms for scholarships including applications and volunteer logs

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